The second term of the Turkish presidency election has ended, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has won Turkey’s presidency in a runoff election of the votes and succeeded to obtain the trust of Turkish citizen once more,and still have the helm of the Turkish government. The Justice and Development Party led by Mr. Erdogan has a civilized perspective towards Islam; In the light of this view, he has been able to present more moderate narrative of political Islam. In two decades of this party’s rule, maximum use has been made of the Eurasian geography of Turkey, and this party has become the focal point of East-West interactions. The Ukraine war and the political position of Turkey is an obvious proof of the above said.
Regarding Afghanistan, Turkeish government under the leadership of Erdogan is one of the focal point of trans-regional diplomacy, which has its specific process parallel with the process of Qatar. However, this process has stopped by taking over of Afghanistan by Taliban; But Türkiye’s active policy will move on towards Afghanistan. The immigration policies of the Development and Justice Party have been more humanitarian compared to rival parties, and many Afghan immigrants have been cheering for the Erdogan’s victory.
Turkey has had a good relationship with Afghanistan since the long ago and is still welcoming thousands of Afghan citizens, The Afghan Citizens Party, along with the Afghan immigrants who live in Turkey, shows their feeling pleasure up on the victory of the Justice and Development Party led by Mr. Erdogan and hopes that Turkey would play a vital role in positively affecting the political developments in Afghanistan, and expects the upcoming government to facilitate a fair situation of the Afghan immigrants. Mr. Erdogan may provide better conditions.