The genocide continues for the Hazaras; what is the role of the Taliban

The genocide continues for the Hazaras; what is the role of the Taliban?
On the evening of Wednesday, 1st/ Nov/2023, once again Dasht e Barchi witnessed a horrific explosion. This time, passengers of a bus were targeted, leading to the killing and injuring of dozens of innocent people. Less than two weeks ago, another terrifying explosion occurred in the people’s sports club in the same area, resulting in the death and injury of around 30 young Hazaras. This is happening while the Taliban claim to provide national security and eradicate ISIS in Afghanistan, and their regional and international supporters have launched a campaign in this regard. However, the conditions for the Hazara people have neither improved but have worsened, and the genocide of the Hazaras continues in a wide and multidimensional manner.
Since the return of the Taliban to power, no ethnic or religious group, such as the Hazaras and Shiites, has been subjected to widespread attacks. The Taliban has not taken any action to ensure the security of the Hazara/Shiite people or to identify and pursue the perpetrators of the massacres. The only tangible action by the Taliban has been disarming and forcibly releasing popular forces that had been mobilized to secure the mosques and gathering places of the Hazaras/Shiites. With the forced release of these popular forces, the gathering places and neighborhoods of the Hazara/Shiite people are practically left without any security cover, making them easy targets for their enemies. The series of bloody attacks indicates that the Hazara/Shiite people are more vulnerable to naked genocide than ever before.
In the first year of the return of the Taliban to power, Shiite/Hazara mosques in Kunduz and Kandahar became the target of large-scale suicide bombings, resulting in the death and injury of hundreds of worshippers. In the following year, the Kaj School in western Kabul was targeted, leading to the tragic deaths of over a hundred promising Hazara/Shiite youth. In the current year, Shiite/Hazara worshippers in the Imam Zaman Mosque in the city of Pol-e Khomri were the target of a terrorist attack, resulting in loss of lives and bloodshed. On the 13th of October, this marks the second attack on civilians in western Kabul, claiming the lives of young people and ordinary citizens.
In addition to these incidents, Hazaras in Ghazni, Oruzgan, Bamiyan, Mazar-e-Sharif, Dara-e-Suf, Badakhshan, Panjshir, Baghlan, and beyond have been killed, injured, detained, tortured, and disappeared by Taliban forces or their armed supporters. Forced displacement, coercion, imposition of crippling taxes, exorbitant payments as blood money, or the price of land and livestock based on claims made by the Kuchis all indicate the pressure being exerted on Hazaras/Shiites to leave Afghanistan.

The Taliban is directly responsible for this extensive scale of massacre and pressure. Evidence indicates that the Taliban not only lack any concern for ensuring the security of Hazaras/Shiites but are, in various ways, actively contributing to and facilitating the continuation of the Hazara genocide. Therefore, it is the duty of the global community and human rights organizations to raise the necessary awareness and sensitivity regarding the ongoing genocide of Hazaras. The Taliban must be held accountable as a group claiming governance and security provision, and the genocide of Hazaras should be officially recognized in international legal and political forums. Measures should be taken at the international level to protect Hazaras, and the Taliban must be compelled to address and amend the situation.

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