Religious Fascism: The Continuation of cryptic Genocide of HazarasReligious Fascism

During the two years of Taliban rule, apparently the level of explosions and bloody terrorist attacks against the Hazaras and Shiites has decreased. However, the process of ethnic cleansing of Hazaras continues, even more profoundly and destructively. According to the definition of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, in addition to killing and forcibly transferring members of a group, one of the instances of genocide is considered to be “deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. 

Under the shadow of their fascist policies, the Taliban, using a deceptive religious and sanctimonious façade, have not only eradicated the structural, political, administrative, military, and judicial institutions of the country, but they have also pursued an agenda aimed at silently and quietly carrying out the complete ethnic cleansing of the Hazaras from Afghanistan.

1- Contrary to their claims of general amnesty, the pursuit, torture, and massacre of individuals associated with the previous political regime and private international entities, particularly from the Hazara community, has led to the exodus of educated and elite Hazaras from the country. Those who remain are also striving to leave in order to escape these circumstances.

2- The forced displacement of Hazaras from areas in Mazar-e Sharif, Daikundi, and Uruzgan, along with the imposition of pressure by the nomads (Kochis) with Taliban support on Hazaras in Behsood, Nawur Ghazni, and Uruzgan, continues ruthlessly and systematically. These people are gradually compelled to leave their places of residence, farms, and ancestral lands.

3- The imposition of restrictions on educational institutions, curricula, and higher education in both public and private sectors has resulted in the unemployment of active Hazara intellectuals in this field. Additionally, Hazara students and learners, particularly women who were pioneers in the country’s literacy and educational advancement, have lost their motivation and hope due to these measures. As a result, they are inclined towards migration.

4- According to local sources, the organized distribution of international humanitarian aid to members and supporters of the Taliban instead of the needy population, especially in Hazara-inhabited areas, as well as the allocation of key governmental and non-governmental positions to Taliban members, has led ordinary people and Hazara employees to be forced to sell their homes, shops, and land to sustain their daily lives. On the other hand, Taliban members and their supporters in various regions, including cities like Kabul, Mazar-e Sharif, Ghazni, Herat, and even Bamyan, are acquiring Hazara properties and assets at a very low cost.

Therefore, with the fascist policy under the guise of religious extremism, Hazaras are now more than ever exposed to serious threats of genocide and eradication from all spheres of political, academic, economic, and social life.

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